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Nuturing Mums x HR Puzzle

In collaboration with Anna from HR Puzzle, Nurturing Mums is hosting a 'Back to Work' one off event.

Anna has got two little ones and knows the conversations and sometimes battles you have to go through to ensure your seat at the table is secure. She also specialises in flexible working and has helped over 300 people with their flexible working applications and appeals.

With her wealth of knowledge the session will include -
Your legal rights when returning to work
Flexible working rights and options
The top 3 q's mums tend to want to know when it comes to flexible working
Top tips on returning to work post baby

There will be time for Q&As at the end.
Teas and coffees included.
Babies welcome

Earlier Event: November 1
Deadly celeb night ( Halloween party )
Later Event: November 30
Louisa's Place presents 'School Disco'